File Preparation | Bleeds | InDesign

Bleeds: InDesign


  1. Open Document Setup
  2. Add Bleed & Margins (Safety Lines)
  3. Utilizing the Bleed Line
  4. Utilizing the Safety Line

1. Open Document Setup

From the top menu: Click File > Document Setup

This will prompt the Document Setup window to open where you will add your bleed and margins (safety lines) settings.

2. Add Bleed & Margins (Safety Lines)

a. In the “Margins” section, change all edges (top, bottom, inside, & outside) to 0.125 inches.
b. In the “Bleed and Slug” section, input 0.125 inches to all edges (top, bottom, inside & outside). You do not need to add slug.

3. Utilizing the Bleed Line

To utilize your bleeds when designing, extend your graphics and/or images (that you want to print up to the edge) beyond the edge of the page to the bleed line.

4. Utilizing the Safety Line

Place your important information (Page numbers, logos, text, etc.) within the safety line to ensure that you don’t lose any of it during the trimming process.