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STEP 1: Upload Files
Drags & Drop your file(s) for Fast & Easy Upload OR Browse to import and upload from your computer or apps.
We currently only accept PDF files with our Free File Review Tool
Maximum File Size: 150MB
We support the following file formats:

Select Product
Step 2:
Select Product & Options
After you upload your file, select your product type (Booklet, Magazine, etc)
After you upload your file, select your product type (Booklet, Magazine, etc)
Then select the options for your product (size, quantity,pages,ink color)
Select Option
Free File Review
Preview outdated. Changing page order will require you to click the "Save Changes" button.
Drag & Drop Pages to Change Page Order
Pick your Proof
OK to Print (Print ASAP)
Save $15
We will start printing your order once your file passes review. If there is an issue we cannot resolve, we will contact you.
Please send me a PDF proof
You will receive a proof within 1 business day via email. Check and approve your PDF proof online. Printing will not begin without approval.
Please send me a Hardcopy Proof
We will print a hardcopy proof within one business day and mail it to you Overnight.
STEP 3:File Review & Checkout
Next our 43 Point Professional File Review will check your files for any errors.
You will see a digital proof being generated on screen.
If your files are error free, you can move forward by Saving a Quote or Starting an Order.
If your files have errors, you will see a "STOP! Your File has Errors" message and your errors will be listed. You will have the option to either fix the errors in the Unresolved Errors panel (such as incorrect page count, incorrect size etc.) or fix errors with our free online tool. Some errors may require that your file be corrected in its original design program (such as Illustrator, Photoshop, InDesign, etc.).
You can also have a detailed file report emailed to you with all the information on errors or approval by clicking the "Send File Report" button.