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Binding Bookbinding Booklets

Spiral Binding vs Wire-O Binding: An Updated Guide

Discover the differences and advantages of spiral binding vs wire-o binding in our updated guide. Make an informed choice for your next printing project with PrintingCenterUSA.

Reading Time: 6 minutes

What sets spiral binding apart from wire-o binding in your printing projects? Uncover the crucial aspects in the ‘spiral binding vs wire-o binding’ debate to determine which is the ideal choice for your needs. When it comes to choosing the right
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saddle stitch vs perfect bound
Binding Bookbinding Booklets Books

Perfect Bound vs. Saddle Stitch; Which Book is Right for You?

What binding type will you choose for your next book printing project? Saddle stitch binding is our most popular but perfect binding is another top choice.

Reading Time: 3 minutes

One of the most important decisions to make for your next book printing project is what type of binding option to choose. While saddle stitch binding is our most popular and cost efficient form of binding, if you have a high enough page count, perfect bound
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