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Author tips

Marketing Print Marketing Self Publishing

Lulu vs. Other Self-Publishing Platforms: A Comparative Analysis

Discover the best self-publishing platforms for printing. Compare Lulu, Amazon KDP, IngramSpark, and BookBaby for quality, pricing, and reach.

Reading Time: 7 minutes

Self-publishing has opened up a world of options for authors, and platforms like Lulu, Amazon KDP, IngramSpark, and BookBaby all bring something different to the table. So, what sets each one apart? Which self-publishing platform gives you the control, reach,
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Books Marketing Self Publishing

Building an Author Website: Best practices and essential features

Learn author website best practices to showcase your books, connect with readers, and enhance your marketing strategy.

Reading Time: 8 minutes

You finally did it, you finished your first book and it’s ready to hit the big shelves. But, record scratch, before this can happen and you can celebrate, you need to do one more essential thing: create your author website. As you know, you also need
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