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All posts by Taler Lyn

My love for design and content creation started all the way back in high school as a yearbook editor. It spread even more as I went to school, graduating with a degree in Visual Communications with an emphasis on Graphic Design. After graduating college in 2016, I got my first ever graphic design job for PrintingCenterUSA. My skills have grown from there to content development, digital marketing, and SEO-based work. Now as a full-time graphic designer and content developer, creating functional, user-friendly, clean, and SEO-focused designs is my favorite thing to do. I've learned how to write content that is compelling, speaks to your target audience, and helps you rank higher on search engines. Design and writing are both passions of mine, and getting to work creatively with people every day is a dream come true for me.
Design eye-catching book covers
Books Design Self Publishing

Design Tips for Creating Eye-Catching Book Covers

Discover the secrets of beautiful book cover design and see how you can make your book cover stand out from the crowd.

Reading Time: 7 minutes

Are your book covers failing to capture the eye of potential readers? With these design tips, you can create gorgeous, eye-catching covers that will get more people to grab your book or booklet off the shelf. Discover the secrets of beautiful book cover
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