Booklets Catalogs Magazines Paper

Choosing the Right Paper Thickness for Printing: A Detailed Paper Weight Guide

Why should paper weight be a crucial consideration in your branding materials? The answer lies in the unspoken power of touch—the first sense that reacts when a consumer engages with your printed content. The right paper weight can transform a simple brochure into a compelling tactile experience, endorsing professionalism without saying a word. It’s the silent ambassador of your brand, working in the background to ensure that the first physical interaction is both memorable and impactful.

Whether you’re piecing together a high-end portfolio, a corporate report, or promotional booklets, the paper weight you choose can either uplift or undermine the perceived value of your product. It’s not just a matter of aesthetics; it’s about how your material performs in the hands of your audience—does it flop or does it hold its ground? Does it fade away or does it stand out?

Now, let’s get down to business.

Through this paper weight guide, we’ll equip you with the knowledge to select the perfect paper weight, ensuring your printed project not only looks the part but feels it too. And as you prepare to bring your vision to print, remember that PrintingCenterUSA is ready to assist you with fast, easy, and reliable printing services, complete with a free file review to ensure your project starts off on the right foot.

Now, let’s get into it.

The Official Paper Weight Guide

When it comes to printing, paper isn’t just a medium; it’s the fabric of your communication. The right choice can elevate your message, while the wrong one can diminish its impact. This guide will help you navigate the nuanced world of paper weights to ensure your project resonates with its intended audience.

Writing and Office Papers (20-50 lb | 75-90 gsm)

  • 20 lb (75 gsm): Standard copy paper used for everyday printing and document reproduction. Perfect for internal memos and drafts where function trumps form.
  • 24 lb (90 gsm): Preferred for business correspondence, this weight offers a slight upgrade in texture and durability. Ideal for those impressive-looking reports or proposals.
  • 28-32 lb (105-120 gsm): This paper has a sturdier feel, suitable for professional documents like resumes and letterheads that require a touch of class and substance.

Text Papers (60-100 lb | 89-148 gsm)

  • 60# Text (89 gsm): A step above standard office papers, offering better opacity and a higher quality feel. Suitable for professional reports, book internals, and high-volume magazines.
  • 70# Text (104 gsm): With its superior thickness and opacity, this paper is perfect for high-quality full-color printing, ensuring minimal show-through. Ideal for company brochures and detailed catalogues.
  • 80# Text (118 gsm): Offering a substantial feel without the rigidity of cardstock, this weight is excellent for premium magazines and corporate booklets that command attention.
  • 100# Text (148 gsm): The go-to for luxurious prints, this heavyweight paper is best for high-end publications, art books, and quality flyers where image and touch are paramount.

Light Cardstocks (58-70 lb | 157-190 gsm)

  • 58-60 lb (157-160 gsm): A bridge between paper and cardstock, this weight supports double-sided printing without show-through and is commonly used for more substantial flyers or presentations.
  • 70 lb (190 gsm): The heft of this paper lends a premium feel to stationery and high-end worksheets. It’s also an excellent choice for print projects that require a more significant presence, such as deluxe company profiles or luxury program booklets.

Midweight Cardstocks (80-100 lb | 216 – 280 gsm)

  • 80 lb (216 gsm): A versatile cardstock that works well for the covers of booklets, catalogs, and high-quality business brochures. It provides a sturdy base for embossing and other special post-printing effects.
  • 90 lb (243 gsm): Ideal for top-end business cards that stand up to wear and tear, as well as for invitation cards. It’s thick enough to feel substantial but still flexible.
  • 100 lb (270 gsm): Thick and resilient, this weight is frequently used for premium magazine covers, company report covers, and sturdy promotional postcards.

Heavy Cardstocks (110-130 lb | 298-352 gsm)

  • 110 lb (298 gsm): This weight conveys a sense of luxury and is often used for heavyweight business cards, invitations, and announcement cards. It provides a substantial backdrop for vibrant colors and detailed graphics.
  • 120 lb (325 gsm): Thick and durable, this cardstock is excellent for creating book covers, heavyweight photo prints, and high-end, stand-alone displays.
  • 130 lb (352 gsm): The pinnacle of premium cardstock, suitable for the most luxurious business cards, package inserts, retail hang tags, and covers for exclusive documents.

Specialty Papers (140 lb and up | 378 gsm and more)

  • 140 lb (378 gsm) and beyond: These papers enter the realm of board stock and are most commonly used for hardcover bookbinding, packaging solutions, and high-quality mounting boards. They offer unparalleled rigidity and weight, making them perfect for projects where maximum strength and protection are required.

Paper Weights Explained

Paper weight refers to the weight of a ream (500 sheets) of paper cut to a standard size. There are different measures of paper weight, including pounds (lb) and the metric grams per square meter (gsm). The “pound” measurement can be confusing because it doesn’t correspond directly to the actual weight of the paper, but rather the weight of the ream before it’s cut to size.

What Weight of Paper Should I Use?

The weight of paper you should use depends on the project at hand. Here’s a simple breakdown:

  • 20-24 lb paper: Ideal for everyday use such as printing standard documents, reports, and forms.
  • 28-32 lb paper: A step up in quality and feel, perfect for professional documents like business proposals where a little heft is appreciated.
  • 40-100 lb paper: Commonly used for brochures, booklets, and flyers. Heavier paper weights within this range are excellent for covers or single-page handouts where durability and a premium feel are desired.

What is 32 lb Paper Used For?

32 lb paper strikes a balance between flexibility and the luxurious feel of thicker paper. It’s often used for professional presentations, high-quality reports, or resume printing where you want to make a good impression without the rigidity of cardstock.

Is 100 lb or 80 lb Paper Thicker?

100 lb paper is indeed thicker than 80 lb paper. The higher the weight, generally speaking, the thicker and sturdier the paper. 100 lb paper feels more substantial and is less transparent, making it ideal for high-end marketing materials and booklet covers.

Is 20 lb or 24 lb Paper Better?

“Better” is subjective and depends on the application. 24 lb paper is marginally thicker and more durable than 20 lb paper, which gives it a higher-quality feel. If you’re looking for something with a bit more professionalism for business correspondence or reports, 24 lb paper may be the better choice.

What is 40 lb Paper Used For?

40 lb paper is often utilized for projects that require a stiffer paper but not the full thickness of cardstock. This weight is typical for posters, lightweight booklets, and craft projects. It offers a good compromise between usability and substance.

Making the Right Choice for Your Project

Before choosing your paper weight, consider the following:

  • Purpose and Use: Will it be handled frequently or mailed?
  • Audience: Is it for a high-end clientele or more casual communication?
  • Design: Will it include heavy ink coverage or imagery that might require a thicker paper to prevent show-through?
  • Budget: Heavier papers often cost more, so balance quality with cost-effectiveness.

When you’re ready to print, whether you need a sturdy 100 lb cover for a luxurious catalog or a flexible 20 lb paper for your office needs, the decision is easier with a foundational understanding of paper weights.

paper sample book

Free Paper Sample Book!

Choosing the perfect paper has never been easier!

Our Paper Sample Swatch Book, included in a FREE sample pack, lets you fan through various paper weights and finishes with ease. Each grommeted book is your tactile guide to our extensive paper selection. Compare coatings and textures side by side and make confident choices. Order your free sample pack today at PrintingCenterUSA and feel the difference quality paper makes!

Remember, the right paper weight can elevate your project from ordinary to extraordinary. And for an unbeatable printing experience with guaranteed quality, visit PrintingCenterUSA. Don’t hesitate to utilize our free file review service to ensure your project prints perfectly on the paper weight of your choice. Get started today and make your print project a resounding success!

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