Resolution: Overview
PrintingCenterUSA recommends that the file and/or image resolution should be set at 300 dpi to ensure that the final document is not pixelated (fuzzy) when printed. However, some customers find 180 dpi (or better) to be an acceptable resolution. You must closely review the resolution during the proofing process to determine if there are any issues.
Enlarging an image will lower the resolution while reducing an image will increase the resolution. Enlarging an image in a layout is NOT recommended. Images that are less than 300 dpi could reproduce poorly looking fuzzy or pixelated.
Images from the internet are not recommended, as most images are only 72 dpi.
An unfavorable image cannot be resaved as a different type of file. For example, you cannot place a gif file in Photoshop and resave it as an EPS file. This does not change the compatibility of the file. If you have to use low-resolution images we will print only after you consent to the quality.

For a step-by-step tutorial on setting up your resolution, select from one of the following programs:
InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop, Canva, Publisher, and Word
Have more questions? Check our Resolution FAQ.