
Smart Strategies to Successful Newsletters

Looking for a new way to develop a relationship with your customers along with educating about your company, products, and services? Newsletters help you become a credible source of information and build trust, which in turn gains loyal customers who look forward to reading your next issue. Build awareness and demonstrate your expertise with a newsletter. Newsletters provide an opportunity to educate, entertain, and market your company directly to your customers. Creating a newsletter is time consuming and an ongoing process that requires planning ahead and continual creativity. Setting up a process and getting ahead helps to prepare you for your monthly series. Learn how to provide value-added information for your customers with every issue by following these simple newsletter-writing tips for success.

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Here are 6 Quick and Easy pieces of advice when starting your newsletter to help ensure your newsletter meets your goals. 

1. Know Your Audience! Remember your newsletter is not for everyone, know your target audience and direct your articles and writing to them.

2. Be recognizable! Make your newsletter look and sound like your organization. This will build your brand image and help increase recognition. Include logos, slogans, and professional images that demonstrate who you are.

3. Get a schedule and stick with it! Consistency is important whether monthly, quarterly, or yearly keep on-track, even down to the day of the month it is sent out. This will make you reliable and your customers will start anticipating your newsletter.

4. Keep your eye on the future! Generate story ideas ahead of time that correspond to seasonal events, sales, and product launches. Have a few months of stories completed ahead of time, this allows for extra time for proofing, layout, and story development.

5. Know your production time! Each issue goes through a series of steps from the initial concept to shipping, know the amount of time necessary and plan accordingly. Don’t forget time for writing, editing, layout, proofing, printing, addressing, and mailing. Be aware, this can take longer than you think.

6. Stay Consistent! Each year, use similar colors and design elements that identifies your company and sets the tone for your newsletter. Consistent elements helps create brand awareness and makes your business more recognizable. 

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1. Make an Impression! The first thing people will see is your headline! Most people make their decision to read an article based on the headline, bait them into your Newsletter with a tempting or informative title.

2. Be Interesting! People will read your newsletter and come back for more when it contains content that holds interest and keeps them reading. Devise content-rich story ideas for your audience packed with concrete information.

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3. Stay Credible! Research your stories and be credible, include how-to articles, tips, help to solve problems, offer suggestions, and advice. The more engaging and useful your articles, the more your customers will read.

4. Get Involved! Use your newsletter for marketing research, find out what drives sales, what interests your customers have, and include them in articles. Involve your readers, include surveys or request a response. You would be amazed how many businesses would love to be featured in your next issue.

5. Give Them More! Add links to useful websites for additional information about your industry or common interests.

6.  Use Simple, Active, & Clear Writing. When writing your articles in your newsletter, try to keep it clean and direct by eliminating wordiness. People like concise writing styles, so try to create short useful stories, and then link to longer articles if they would like to learn more.

7. Proof, Proof, Proof! Two people proofing is better than one. Look for spelling, clarity, correctness, and simplicity. One of our suggestions would be to wait a day or two before proofing after writing an article, because it can give you a fresh perspective. 

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8. Organize Your Design! Create a professional look that is consistent in every issue. Don’t pack too much into one issue, use white space, and appropriate pictures and images. If the design is too crowded, it makes the words hard to read, and people will lose interest.

9. Get Creative With Images! Incorporate graphs, diagrams, and charts when appropriate. Eliminate wordiness by using a picture image that demonstrates your concept. We’ve said it before, and we’ll say it again – A picture is worth 1000 words! People respond to them. 

Online Design Tool

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And there you have it! We picked up our favorite newsletters and magazines and organized these 15 Quick Tips to help your Newsletter be a success! Start off 2017 the right way, and get ahead of your marketing game with a Business or Company Newsletter.

If you read this whole thing and are excited but aren’t sure where to start when it comes to design, you’re in luck. PrintingCenterUSA offers free templates to help you get started! Download our templates for any of your favorite design software and customize them to your needs! Don’t have a design software? Not a problem. We have a free online design tool to get your newsletter off the ground. We also have a team of designers who would love to help take the stress off and design your newsletter for you! Check them out here.

If you have any questions regarding our printing process, check out our FAQ Blog Post or give us a call at 800-995-1555.

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